SINTEF – Norway
Ansaloni, L., Louradour, E., Radmanesh, F., van Veen, H., Pilz, M., Simon, C., Benes, N.E., Peters, T.A., Upscaling polyPOSS-imide membrane for high temperature H2 upgrading, J. Membr. Sci. 620 (2021) 118875,
Radmanesh, F., Pilz, M., Ansaloni, L., Peters, T.A., Louradour, E., van Veen, H., Høvik, D., Hempenius, M.A., Benes, N.E., Comparing amine- and ammonium functionalized silsesquioxanes for large scale synthesis of hybrid polyimide high-temperature gas separation membranes, J Membr. Sci. 637 (2021), 119524,
Ansaloni, L., Saric, M., Louradour, E., Radmanesh, F., Dijkstra, J.W., Delft van, Y., Pilz, M., Høvik, D., Benes, N.E., Peters, T.A., Stability investigation of polyPOSS-imide membranes for H2 purification and their application in the steel industry, Int. J. Hydrogen. Energy, (2021) accepted,
Conference contributions
- Ansaloni, L., Louradour, E., Peters, T.A., Pilz, M., Somin, C., Karimov, F., Benes, N.E., Sherban, D., Mixed gas separation performance and upscaling of PolyPOSSimide membranes for H2 purification, Oral presentation, Engineering with Membranes Conference 2019, (EWM2019, April 8-10), Båstad, Sweden (2019).
- Ansaloni, L., Louradour, E., Peters, T.A., Pilz, M., Simon, C., Karimov, F., Benes, N.E., Sherban, D., Mixed gas separation performance and upscaling of PolyPOSSimide membranes for H2 purification, 10th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage. (TCCS-10, June 17-19, 2019), Trondheim, Norway, (2019).
- Radmanesh, F., Pilz, M., Ansaloni, L., Peters, T.A., Benes, N.E., How cations affect the high temperature gas separation performance of hyper crosslinked hybrid polyimide membranes, International Congress on Membranes & Membrane Processes 2020. (P1.027, ICOM2020, July 12-17, 2020) London, United Kingdom, (2020).
- Ansaloni, L., Louradour, E., Radmanesh, F., Peters, T.A., Pilz, M., Benes, N.E., Høvik, D., Mixed gas separation performance and upscaling of PolyPOSSimide membranes for H2 purification, International Congress on Membranes & Membrane Processes 2020. (P1.043, ICOM2020, July 12-17, 2020) London, United Kingdom, (2020).
- Ansaloni, L., Louradour, E., Radmanesh, F., Peters, T.A., Pilz, M., Benes, N.E., Sherban, D., Mixed gas separation performance and upscaling of PolyPOSSimide membranes for H2 purification, 15th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies. (GHGT-15, March 5-8, 2021) Abu Dhabi, UAE, (2021).
- Kvamsdal, H.M., Haugen, G., and Eldrup, N.H., Benchmarking of a membrane technology for tail-end application in a cement plant, 15th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies. (GHGT-15, March 5-8, 2021) Abu Dhabi, UAE, (2021).
- Ansaloni, L., Louradour, E., Radmanesh, F., van Veen, H., Peters, T.A., Pilz, M., Benes, N.E., Upscaling and mixed gas separation performance and upscaling of PolyPOSSimide membranes for H2 purification, World Online Conference on Sustainable Technologies March 17-19, 2021.